• Новости
  • 22 Август 2012
  • 24 Май 2012
    От всего сердца поздравляем всех путешественников и гостей Филоксении на острове Ольхон с праздником Вознесения Христова! Да пребывает с вами радость о славном Вознесении Христовом! Желаем вам мира душевного, успешного свершения дел, благополучия во всем! Храни и помогай вам Господь!
Смысл жизни человека
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рублей Яндекс.Деньгами
на счет 41001850732504 
( от Афона до Ольхона)

Invitation letter for Mr.Frederik Paulsen to attend the opening of the Playground in the village of Khujir of Olkhon island in Baikal Lake:

01 Июль 2011


Местная Православная Организация 
Приход Державной иконы Божией Матери
Иркутской Епархии Московского Патриархата
Адрес: Россия, 666137, Иркутская обл., Ольхонский р-он, поселок Хужир, переулок Горный-1А,
тел.: +7 914 947 5379, сайт: www.bogoroditsa-olkhon.prihod.ru
Consul honoraire de la Fédération de Russie à Lausanne
On behalf of inhabitants of Russia’s Olkhon island in Siberian Baikal Lake
Keys-keeper of Olkhon’s temple
Dear Mr. Paulsen:
On behalf of the grateful population of the Olkhon island, who appreciate your sincere and significant contribution to the realization of the Children’s Playground project, I have an honorable pleasure to invite you to the opening of the Playground, which is planned to take place by the 10th of August 2011 in the village of Khujir near the Olkhon’s temple.
We are looking forward to getting the confirmation of your arrival date as well as the number of people who will accompany you. Shall we set up a transfer from Irkutsk to Olkhon and your accommodation on the island (in a homestead at Nikita’s www.olkhon.info that you visited during your first trip to Olkhon), please, let us know upfront.
Once again, let me express my personal and all the community’s thankfulness for your special and so necessitated engagement to make this social project possible.
With a hope to meet you again in the heart of the deepest and purest lake of our world,
Serguei Yeremeev
1st of July, 2011
Olkhon Island

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