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10 Фев 2011, 15:50 What have you found attractivе having visited this place? Has the Transsiberian railway passage played the crucial role for your decision to come over here - 300km away from Irkutsk? |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
10 Фев 2011, 20:04 It would be great to come visit olhon without money. |
Администратор |
11 Фев 2011, 01:35 Wow, you guys speak English,I also speak a little English. Ya would also like to visit Olkhonka, but unfortunately there is no financial opportunity. It was nice to talk to you. |
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11 Фев 2011, 05:49 I arrived here with my wife 5 years ago spending THE LAST copec for the tickets to Olkhon. Nikita's homestead opened its doors for us and we waited 2years until the money was found to build a house near the church where we live now. I am sure, money is a tool, not a goal. Often our goals may be reached without this financial instrument. For example, many people come over here hitch-hicking (autostopschiki)... |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
11 Фев 2011, 12:54 At. Manor Nikita Bencharova Olkhon can find gainful employment? |
Администратор |
11 Фев 2011, 14:04 Thanks, I'll think about hitch-hicking, but I'm a girl. I'm scared hitch-hicking, Would be a good companion |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
11 Фев 2011, 15:14 Take me to Olkhon companion. |
Администратор |
11 Фев 2011, 20:26 With pleasure, but you help me with my English You agree ? I hope will not be bored..... |
Администратор |
12 Фев 2011, 04:56 When you will have arrived to Nikita's homestead, you will see that all speak English here (even those who don't know a few regular phrases that tourists like, for examble: yes, please; of course, please; sure; as you like; good-bye dear; welcome dear etc...) Hitch-hicking alone is difficult especially for a girl. However, I know a few cases when girls traveled hitch-hicking in small groups 2-5 persons. Have you thought of this option? |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
12 Фев 2011, 09:35 You can buy a pocket dictionary to communicate Olkhon. |
Администратор |
12 Фев 2011, 14:14 Well, I'll buy Korman translator But with Olkhon have to wait. Where do I get so many brave young women. But Sergei suddenly changed his mind,жаль... |
Администратор |
12 Фев 2011, 15:28 Жаль - it's a pity. People change their minds from time to time. Especially young women, hasn't it happened with you, Victoria? :-) |
Администратор |
12 Фев 2011, 17:14 I did not understand what you mean clarify your question please I've never traveled away When an experienced conductor near calm It seemed that Sergei has experience in the pilgrimage If you will send a group of pilgrims from Taganrog, I'll come |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
12 Фев 2011, 20:33 Let's Taganrog forum will give the announcement of a trip to Olkhon? |
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12 Фев 2011, 21:39 Advertising is not my profile I can give you a link to the forum, try |
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13 Фев 2011, 09:26 It looks like a great idea to welcome pilgrims from Tagan and from Rog. The more the better! :-) Why Taganrog is called this name? Do you know? |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
13 Фев 2011, 09:45 Taganrog (a town in the Rostov region) Taganrog - a town in the Rostov region of Russia on the northeast coast of the Azov Sea. Toponym Taganrog found in documents of the XV century, first as a name landmarks in the form of Taigan: the Ust Miyusha and Taigan "," on Miyushe and Taigan "(1489). This simple form (without the element-horn) existed until the beginning of the XVIII century. Thus, in the charming letter "N. Ataman naked, associate Kondratii Bulavina (1708):" under the Azov and under Tugun. An anonymous treatise on the Ottoman Turkish fortress on the northern shore of the sea-dimensional, composed not later than the beginning of the second decade of the XVIII century, the fortress is mentioned Tygan (Tygan wheel) at bay at a distance of eight hours from the fortress Azak, "ie, of Azov. Arab toponym record can be read as Taigan and how Tygan. The first version of the reading was reflected in the quoted paper in 1489 - in the text of speeches ("memory") of Grand Prince Ivan Vasilyevich issued to him after Michure Domanove, which was sent to the Taman Prince Zachariah. Taigan and Tygan in the Russian language has changed in Tugun. The first part of the toponym Taganrog goes back to the Turkic word spider 'support for the boilers, tripod': in the old days at the Cape was a tower-lighthouse, which ignited the fire. Traces of it, seems to have survived on the plan of the fortress, which was attached to what is written in Latin in the diary IG Korb, a journey to Muscovy in 1698 (the period has already started construction of the fortress of Taganrog) as Secretary of the Embassy of the Emperor of Austria ( "tsesarya) Leopold I of Peter I. East of the three small fortresses that make up a single fortification at the base of the cape, on the side facing the of Azov, is awarded by the Turks built "stone tower surrounded with an earthen embankment" [1]. The Turks, as noted by Korb, called her Taganrog. Of course, in a speech Turkish toponym was used without the element-horn. At the top of the tower, apparently, stood on trivets cauldron in which fueled the lighthouse light. It is noteworthy that far from Tugun in 1702 at the mouth of the Don was built another lighthouse (considered the first in Russia), provide safe navigation of Russian fleet. Here was built a tower on top of a bonfire. And on the other lighthouses in Russia ("hills of stone and wooden towers) in the first half of XVIII century fanal in metal tripods, braziers maintained by burning wood and coal (in the 30 years of the XVIII century, such tripods, braziers stood in the Rostral Columns of St. Petersburg Port ). Remainder of the lighthouse (spider), who gave the name of the tract, and relates in his memoirs IG Korb. The second part of the toponym, the horn is a Russian folk geographical term meaning 'cape'. He is a member of a number of names: Goat Horn (Cape of the Valdai lake), the tract in the Crimea Kazanrog (XVII century), Mishurin Horn (a village on the banks of the Dnieper, situated on a high granite promontory), etc. In its present form placename Taganrog - Turkic-Slavic hybrid, but its complex composition is not realized in our time. In the written monuments of XVII - beginning of XVIII century both sides of it are often more inclined on their own: "to Tayganurogu," until Tayganurogu "(1642), etc. Frequent examples already complete fusion of its parts into a single word with a single case endings: "to Taganrog (1646)," in Taganrog (1698), "go to the Taganrog (1708), etc. The first part of names in this period is noted and with the soft end sound, as evidenced by the writing type: "to Togan horn", "y Taganrogu" (1698). The independence of both parts of the name indicates how their separate writing on maps and in documents of the time and write each of them with a capital letter or a hyphen. For example, the handwritten "topographical map of the Azov Sea to the mouths of the rivers Don ..." shows a line of fortifications stretching between the fortresses of the Pavlov (on the shore of the estuary Miusskaya) and Turtle (at the mouth of Turtle beams, which flows into the Sea of Azov), along which the applied Inscription: Taganov Rozhskaya line. The full title of this card both sides of the toponym Taganrog hyphenated: "... fortresses Semyonovskaya Tagan-horn, Pavlovsky, the Turtles ...». Taganrog in the XVII century called the marina and near the cape and the tract, uniting cape, harbor and settlement: "And they came, sir, we are at the pier to Taganrog ..." (From a military unsubscribe sea-march of the Cossacks on Crimeans in 1646); "on the tract trivets Horn" (1697), "Towards a tract Taganrog (1698). The town and fortress built in the tract of Taganrog, first got the name Trinity - on behalf of the cathedral, Trinity Church, built here in 1699. In the text titla card Schonebeck 1701 "The eastern part of Palus Meotis, now called the Sea of Azov" settlement and a fortress on the promontory called "city holy trinity." The documents of the end of XVII - beginning of XVIII century the city name (Trinity, Trinity) and Tracts (Taganrog) more often delineated. For example, in a petition to Peter I Trinity governor Yegor Janov (1699): "... that I have in the Holy Trinity in Taganrog, in the Chancery Chamber of them, the captain and the gunner and the sailors on the letter sheet no. Compare also: "about the Trinity that is built on the Tagan Rog" (1702), "in Trinity in Taganrog (1709)," in the Azov and in the Trinity, that of Taganrog (1710). Subsequently, the name of the tract of Taganrog replaces the name of the city (fortress). Direct reference to the fortress of Taganrog is already in the documents of the end of XVII - beginning of XVIII century: "to the city of Taganrog," (1697) "in the Azov and Taganrog (1697)," New Castel Azov (ie, strength), Taganrog, Pavlovsk and Mius ruin "(1700), but the parallel use of old (Trinity) and new (Taganrog) the names of the city survived the entire Petrine period. In the second half of XVIII century placename Taganrog ceases to be used as the name of the cape and the natural boundary, and becomes only the name of the city. And what is the origin of Olkhon? |
Администратор |
14 Фев 2011, 03:26 OLKHON (or olhon, or olkon etc) means "little forested"...which is fair, we have small places for little forests all around the island (much less, though, in the south of OLKHON... |
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15 Фев 2011, 19:40 I read about the name of the island are divided: some believed that the translation "Olkhon" means "forest cover" someone "dry". Both of these names are quite suitable. Precipitation falls here is really very small - about 200 mm. per year. Olkhon surprisingly combines the most beautiful landscapes of the Baikal - steppe, the air is heavily saturated with scents of thyme and tarragon, jutting deep into dry bays, light pine and larch forests, relict spruce, covered with red lichen beautiful marble cliffs along the coast, areas of sand with dyunami.Na Olkhon many beautiful places, and each reveals his favorite. The island has a landing strip for small aircraft? |
Администратор |
16 Фев 2011, 06:00 yes, Olkhon has a landing strip for small aircraft. It is situated in the village of Kharansy 7kms away from Khujir where we are based near the small church consacrated in the name of the Icon DERJAVNAY... What else interesting have you learnt about the island through your sources? |
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17 Фев 2011, 00:02 I read a lot about Olkhon, Here is some information The number of tourists opting for holiday destination Lake Baikal, is increasing every year. People come here not only from different cities of Russia, but also from many other countries. The main tourist attraction is undoubtedly the Olkhon, which will be discussed in this essay. Thousands of tourists visit the island annually. Thousands of foreigners are choosing Olkhon holiday destination. Olkhon attracts travelers with clean air, virgin nature and identity of local residents - bore - and, of course, the fact that he is in the midst of world famous Lake Baikal. Island tourists seem wild, even after electricity has been let down here a few years ago. Electrification has given additional impetus to the development of local tourism edges. How to get there. Path to Olkhon quite long. First you need to arrive in Irkutsk. You can do this as a flight, or using the services of the railway. From Irkutsk to the island go to taxis and buses. Drive about five hours. During this time, passengers can enjoy not very scenic, but extremely peculiar landscape: the endless steppes and vague, vague outlines of the mountains in the distance. Since Olkhon is not connected to the mainland, it will be, and crossing on the ferry - the process is very fascinating. Nice fresh breeze blowing in his face, crystal clear water of Lake Baikal overboard and the best view of the Olkhon Gate - the strait separating the open Baikal from the Small Sea. At the entrance to the island introduced fees. Local authorities collect money for the beautification of the island, debris removal and other purposes. Infrastructure Olkhon is only one major settlement - a settlement Khuzhir. But its population does not exceed a few thousand people. It is in Khuzhir located quite a number of different mini-hotels, inns and resorts. In addition, local residents willing to rent housing to rent for any period. In Khuzhir are several shops, where you can buy food and some household supplies. In other localities, such as village Kharantsy also has one, rarely two stores. They represent such things supermarkets with an area of the room. Interspersed with basic food items are on shelves and home accessories. In general, the island is not wild, and, if necessary, you can purchase all necessary goods. Baikal Lake Baikal - the clearest and deepest lakes in the world, and which is perched on its water expanse Olkhon. Probably every citizen of the planet wants to plunge into the cool, crystalline water of this wonderful lake. Arriving at the Olkhon travelers the opportunity provided. Of course, that Baikal attracts here is the number of tourists. The western part of the island, long popular among visitors, is perfect for swimming. The water in the bays warm up to relatively high temperatures. The beach near the village of Khuzhir, as in many other sandy bays. This is a great place for sunbathing, beach activities and fun games, swimming. The water of Lake Baikal is considered to be curative. Buryats revered lake as a kind of deity. And not far from Khuzhir is a salt lake, which seeks to visit each arrived on Olkhon. Olkhon can talk about endlessly. Not for nothing that the island enjoys great popularity among not only Russian tourists, but also among foreign travelers. Starry sky, crystal water, unimaginably beautiful sunsets, endless starry sky and the Baikal fresh breeze awakened in each of us may have forgotten a romantic mood. |
Администратор |
17 Фев 2011, 00:06 ...For a information on the landing strip for small aircraftthanks.Have an idea to get to the island by air ...Hitchhiking is not my kind of travel, very long on time ... and it is not safe ... |
Администратор |
17 Фев 2011, 05:15 What an enrichment in our knowledge about the island. Thank you, Viktoria, for your research! The idea to come here by air sounds GREAT. Kharantsy airport will finally see its visitor returning to the island by the shortest and most remarkable way! We should only chase away the cows that wander around the landing strip all day long, otherwise the plane will have to water on the surfice of the lake or search for a different strip to land... Hitckhiking aircraft has not yet become a habbit, but Viktoria may become the first AIRstopstchitsa in histrory! Worth trying... |
Администратор |
18 Фев 2011, 02:44 I'm working on it ... I'm in town arrange flights on small aircraft for a travel ... We should talk to them, they fly in the Olkhon |
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18 Фев 2011, 04:01 In the olkhonian air I have seen many objects flying: butterflies, planes, falling stars,.. but I have never seen VIKTORIA "парящую в облаках"...from now on my observations will be concentrated on unknown flying objects. If I happen to see a UFO - it's a sign that VIKTORIA has arrived! :-) |
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19 Фев 2011, 02:13 Glad that my post has raised your spirits. Very good way to attract tourists, think Victoria UFO on the expense of small aircraft, I seriously said. Зря смеетесь.... |
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19 Фев 2011, 05:24 Our spirits are daily raised by the regular bells ringing! They have been brought here from ULAN-UDE, where the orthodoxe temple of Christ's Ascention wanted to sell the rural bells colletions (they had a much bigger bell-tower for these small bells). We asked the batushka to give us the bells and, with time, having collected the necessary budget, payed them off. Now, we can't imagine our daily life without this regular excercise which chase the bad moods and UFOs far away from here. Therefore, I am afraid, while the bells keep ringing on OLKHON island, the UFOs will fly in people's minds away from OLKHON. BUT we can think of Victoria UFO as "Ujut For Oligarchs" to attract the budget for the small aircraft as well as for the OLKHON-Sheremetevo airport! Ah? |
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19 Фев 2011, 08:59 I'll think over your proposal, |
Pierre Сообщений: 61 Зарегистрирован: 10 Фев 2011, 16:41 |
19 Фев 2011, 13:51 There used to be a regular air connection between Irkutsk and Olkhon island. It was truely helpful in terms of saving time and avoiding lines before the ferry. Nowadays ferries (there are two of them circulation between the continent and the island) can't help all the cars to be transported from one bank to the other. Airtransportation is OLKHON's FUTURE! I belive... |
Администратор |
22 Фев 2011, 07:43 TO MARION: Welcome to Mother Russia! Feel free to call me anytime +79149475379 Could you please double your messages/answers through our FORUM http://www.bogoroditsa-olkhon.prihod.ru/forum/view/id/325/tid/434 They say this communication may help us to develop our site in the world web. Thank you, please keep me in the loop... |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
24 Фев 2011, 09:56 Now try to double the posts on the forum Olkhon. |
Администратор |
24 Фев 2011, 14:39 It's what I am trying to do with my email correspondents, asking them to visit the forum and double their anwers in here... |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
29 Мар 2011, 13:20 My our God, Jesus Christ, help Olkhon and its orthodoxe church DERJAVNAYA! |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
29 Мар 2011, 14:36 We are right in the center of the lake Baikal where there are more than 300 sunny days a year. We haven't chosen this place for the church. A widow, Natalia, has seen a dream where Bogoroditsa (Mother Mary) appeared in a vision with advice to found a temple on this baikalian island Olkhon. Natalia came here in the year 2000 and started to look around for the right place to found a church. Since then the church is developing with God's help and people's attention. May all, who have contributed into the construction and maintenance or this church DERJAVNAYA on Olkhon, be well and live in Peace. Сергей Еремеев ![]() Создайте свою визитку |
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03 Апр 2011, 20:11 |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
03 Апр 2011, 20:19 Olkhon attracts everyone. It is covered with legends. Desire to see the lake there is another school geography lessons when we first heard about it. |
Администратор |
03 Апр 2011, 20:42 OLKHON is the end of the world. One can find Olkhon island on the way from Athos to Olkhon in the lake Baikal |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
06 Апр 2011, 05:22 On the meaning of the THEOTOKOS Fr Paul Harrilchak St. John of Damascus (+749 A.D.) On the meaning of the THEOTOKOS (Bohorodica/Nascatoare de Dumnezeu) [NOTE: This term gives expression to the Incarnation of the Word and the deification of man in terms of the wondrous maternity of the Virgin Mary. Our liturgical publications show there in consensus among the Orthodox in this country - OCA, Greek, Syrian - that the word Theotokos be brought into the English language, and not be translated as "Mother of God" or the somewhat cacophonous "Birth-giver of God." Theotokos: from Greek theos, God+ tokos, bearer (from tiktein, bear, beget)....] «And we proclaim the holy Virgin to be properly and truly Theotokos. For, as he who was born of her is true God, so is she truly Theotokos who gave birth to the true God who took flesh from her. «Now, we do not say that God was born of her in the sense that the divinity of the Word has its beginning of being from her, but in the sense that God the Word himself, who was timelessly begotten of the Father before the ages…did in last days come for our salvation to dwell in her womb and of her was, without undergoing change, made flesh and born. Fro the holy Virgin did not give birth to a mere man but to true God, and not to God simply, but God made flesh…. «Hence, it is rightly and truly that we call holy Mary Theotokos, for this name expresses the entire mystery of the Incarnation. Thus, if she who gave birth is Theotokos, then he who was born of her is definitely God and also definitely man. …And this means that our Lord Jesus Christ has one person, two natures, and two begettings. «In this the Theotokos, in a manner surpassing the course of nature, made it possible for the Fashioner to be fashioned and for the God and Creator of the universe to become man and deify the human nature which he had assumed….» The Orthodox Faith, 56. Adapted from «The fathers of the Church» From the book «The Divine Liturgy of the Great Church» by Fr. Paul Harrilchak, Reston, Virginia. 1984. page 7. Special thanks to Fr George Kokhno from Saint Nicholas Cathedral of OCA, who posted this text to Kiev-orthodox.org Дата публикации: 22.08.2004 МИЛОСТИ ПРОСИМ на славное море – священный Байкал! WELCOME TO THE MYSTICAL OLKHON ISLAND - CENTER OF BAIKAL LAKE! BIEN VENU A OLKHON AU BAIKAL - LAC LE PLUS MYSTIQUE DANS LE MONDE !!! Остров ОЛЬХОН на Байкале - храм иконы Божьей Матери ДЕРЖАВНАЯ OLKHON ISLAND IN THE CENTER OF SIBERIAN LAKE BAIKAL + The Only Russian Orthodox Church in Olkhon named after DERJAVNAYA (Ruling) Icon of the Mother of God (BOGORODITSA) L'?le d'Olkhon au centre du lac Baikal en Sib?rie + Eglise Orthodoxe Russe ? Khujir |
Сергей Сообщений: 696 Зарегистрирован: 05 Фев 2011, 22:40 |
08 Апр 2011, 22:46 I recently read a note Luciano Manikardi of Psalms (http://www.kiev-orthodox.org/site/spiritual/2314/) and was amazed at how a Catholic monk could express in words my feelings about Olkhon. |
Sergey Yeremeev [модератор] Сообщений: 187 Зарегистрирован: 01 Апр 2011, 07:47 |
10 Апр 2011, 11:47 «Христос, – говорит св. Августин, – истинный молящийся Псалмов» CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST.AUGUSTIN, IS THE ONE WHO TRULY PRAYS THROUGH PSALMS. This is our Olkhon translation of what said St.Augustin. We also like the following article on the abovementioned site: Articles in English Why the Incarnation? Василий (Осборн), еп. Амфипольский / Bishop Basil of Amphipolis Sermon preached by Bishop Basil of Amphipolis at the church of the Holy Trinity and the Annunciation, Oxford (the church is shared by a Thyateira parish which follows the New Calendar, and a Vicariate parish which follows the Old Calendar). Ephesians 4: 7-13 Every year, because we keep two calendars in this church, the feasts of Christmas and Theophany, or Epiphany, are somehow meshed together: we celebrate one after the other and one before the other. But it is important to remember that this overlap is not out of place. Epiphany is the earlier feast. It is already mentioned at the beginning of the third century, when Clement of Alexandria refers to its being celebrated at about this time of year, and by the fourth century there are, throughout the Church, basically three major feasts. First, of course, there is Easter, then Pentecost, celebrated automatically fifty days after Easter, and then the Feast of Theophany, celebrated in the winter, celebrated to commemorate the Baptism of Christ, and the appearance of Christ to the world. Christmas as a distinct feast developed later, and it developed in the West. The first mention is, in fact, near the beginning of the fourth century in 336, when in Rome 25th December was celebrated as the birthday of Christ. In the West, in the liturgical calendar, there was a gradual shift of emphasis from Theophany, from Epiphany, to Christmas. The feast of Epiphany on the twelfth day after Christmas is kept as a revelation to the gentiles, who are represented in the West by the Magi, and the coming of the Magi on the twelfth day. In fact there was, apparently, no separate Christmas day in Jerusalem until the sixth century. The two feasts were kept together on 6th January. And the same is true today of the Armenians, who base their calendar on the calendar of Jerusalem. Both these feasts are feasts of revelation. The feast of the Baptism of Christ is a revelation of the Trinitarian nature of God and of the anointing of the Son of God with the Spirit. And of course the feast of Christmas commemorates in a particular way the Incarnation of Christ. It commemorates the way in which God has entered the world, the way we now find, in Christ, God in the flesh. Immediately that raises the question, why should this be the case? Why should God seek to reveal himself through incarnation? Are there not other ways of doing this? In Ephesians, in the epistle reading which we heard this morning, two reasons are given – two attempts to understand what is happening in the Incarnation and coming of Christ. In the first part, St Paul speaks of the ascent of the Son of God in order to give gifts to mankind. These gifts which Christ ascends in order to give us are the gifts of the Spirit: they are the various charisms. And they are given in order that some, as a result of these gifts, should become apostles, some should become prophets, others evangelists, others pastors and teachers – but all these gifts are given for the ‘building up of the Body of Christ’. That is their purpose. It is for that reason that Christ has come into the world, conquered death, ascended to heaven and gave these gifts – at Pentecost and afterwards. St Paul goes on, however, in the same short passage, to say that this is done – all these gifts are given – for yet another, further purpose. They are given that me might all ‘come to the unity of the faith and to the knowledge of the Son of God’ – to ‘mature manhood’ as it says in the Revised Standard Version, or ‘to maturity’ as it says in the New Revised Standard Version. They are given that we should come ‘to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ’. This is the ultimate purpose of God’s Incarnation – that we should reach that stature. The Authorised version, where the NRSV says ‘that we may come to maturity’, says that ‘we may come unto a perfect man’. Now that is not quite the same thing, because we immediately ask ourselves, when we hear the phrase, ‘to come unto a perfect man’, to whom does this expression refer? Is it that each one of us should arrive at the full stature of Christ, to ‘that perfect Man’, or is it that we together should arrive at the full stature of Christ. I think that the second interpretation is a deeper and truer one. Yes, we are all called to completeness – but we are called to that completeness not simply one by one, but together. In the last days we shall all be different from one another. We shall all have, and have received, different gifts, and as a result we shall all be playing different roles – we have different roles to fulfil. But together, in our difference, we shall make up the one Body of Christ. The result of that is that we do not have to worry about being different. This is in fact God’s will for us. What we do have worry about is finding our own true place in the Body of Christ. As the Apostle says, this will depend on our gifts – which are not ours in the long run, but are in fact God’s gifts and belong to God. These gifts, especially when they are taken to include everything that we are, including our own existence, create difference. They create otherness. And it is our task to work with God to create oneness in Christ out of that diversity, since we are all, each one of us, the recipients of a place, and of a role to play, in the one Body of Christ – a Body made up of many different members. In fact the ‘building up of the Body of Christ’ is not possible without us. It is not possible unless we – both as individuals and as a community – are in Christ – the one Son and Word of God. Amen. Episcopal Vicariate ofGreat Britain and Ireland Дата публикации: 16.01.2008 Остров ОЛЬХОН на Байкале - храм иконы Божьей Матери ДЕРЖАВНАЯ OLKHON ISLAND IN THE CENTER OF SIBERIAN LAKE BAIKAL + The Only Russian Orthodox Church in Olkhon named after DERJAVNAYA (Ruling) Icon of the Mother of God (BOGORODITSA) L'?le d'Olkhon au centre du lac Baikal en Sib?rie + Eglise Orthodoxe Russe ? Khujir МИЛОСТИ ПРОСИМ на славное море – священный Байкал! WELCOME TO THE MYSTICAL OLKHON ISLAND - CENTER OF BAIKAL LAKE! BIEN VENU A OLKHON AU BAIKAL - LAC LE PLUS MYSTIQUE DANS LE MONDE !!! |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
25 Апр 2011, 16:54 S Prazdnikom! Dale Kiehl Кому Sergei Eremeev <yeremeev@hotmail.com> Когда Дополнительно 25 апреля 2011 в 17:12 My Own Dear Sergey, Anastasia and Children, Hristos Voskrese!!! Christos Anesti!! Christe Agsdga (po Gruzinskiy)!!!! Christ is Risen!!! I greet you with the joyous news of Christ's Holy Resurrection!!! How are you my dearest friends? How did you pass Great Lent and meet Our Lord's Great Pascha on your far-off island of Olkhon? I have made many good Orthodox friends in my short time here in Georgia, but never forget you and always pray for you and your health. I spent a good Holy Week attending many services here in the churches in Tbilisi. Such a great and strong Orthodox faith is growing here in Georgia, you would not believe it! All of the services were so crowded that huge crowds of people had to stand outside -- many times for 6 or 7 hours in rain and cold with no room to even cross themselves. All churches were full, but I managed, Thank God, to take confession and communion twice and receive Holy Unction (Saborovanie). I met Pascha in the ancient monastery church of Dmanisi (6th century) where one young priestmonk -- Fr, Dionisey -- serves for hundreds of people in many small villages. It was amazing and a beautiful service in Georgian with polyphonic singing. Please write and tell me of your life on Olkhon and how your children are doing now. I miss you so much and it would be my deepest desire to see you once again, God willing. The distance is great and I don't have much free time. I would wish to have you visit me. I have a huge flat with many, many rooms for everyone, but then ... this is just my dream!!! I ask the rich blessings of our Risen Jesus Christ on all of us and you for all health, especially spiritual. Once again I close with the news that "Christ is Risen!" I wish you all the protection of your guardian angels! S Bogom, Iosif Sergey wrote: Our dearest Iosifoushka! Such a great peice of news to get your letter full of blessing for us. He is risen indeed our God Jesus Christ!!! We have celebrated the first night liturgy in history of the Olkhon church (by the way, there is an excellent book that we found in English about this region and the Olkhon island as it was in the beginning of the 29th century http://www.bogoroditsa-olkhon.prihod.ru/legendscat/view/id/12534 ). There were not polyphonic chanting but only my and one woman from the village who chanted while one priest was celebrated the Holy Liturgy in presence of 30 people from the village. Anastacia is in Irkutst waiting when our second child, Ljubania, will appear to see the light of this world (we expect the birth delivery to happen around the 6th of May). It's a pity you are so busy not to be able to come over here and see your children's life on an isolated piece of land that resembles so much the Holy Mount of Athos. Pls, despite your business have in mind that we always, regardless "war and peace" between Russia&Georgia, are happy to see you in our small hut near the only Russian church in Olkhon island in Baikal's center. With Love in Christ, yours faithfully, -- Сергей Еремеев +79149475379 ICQ: 615737768 МИЛОСТИ ПРОСИМ на славное море - священный Байкал! http://www.bogoroditsa-olkhon.prihod.ru/ WELCOME TO THE MYSTICAL OLKHON ISLAND - CENTER OF BAIKAL LAKE! BIEN VENU A OLKHON AU BAIKAL - LAC LE PLUS MYSTIQUE DANS LE MONDE ! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=712932989 |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
14 Июн 2011, 04:47 С Днём России! Odin Ding Taizhou, China Age: 24 Details Arrival Date: 19/07/2011 Departure Date: 21/07/2011 Number of Surfers: 1 Arriving Via: Train Odin Ding 14 June 2011 - 12:07 am Hi Sergei Nice to see u at CS! :-) I’m a huge fan of russian coulter, a graphic designer from china,already 2 years in Saint Petersburg,really loving everything here,but next year my visa will expire,I do not wish to change the foreign policy and would rather to travel around the amazing country.My target is trip from St.Petersburg to Irkutsk,maybe it all will take 1 month. As you see,your city is my important station, so for the length of the 2-3 days , I would need a couch. I can teach you Chinese language and Chinese calligraphy, and help to design something about graphic and Typography, especially,if you have food material, I will cook a delicious meal for you. I also enjoy people who like to share, who like to explore, and who like to talk.To be honest,i think you are a man has own story,has own opinion,talk with u will be more interesting and meaningful:-) If you want peaceful environment, I will be very quiet. And don’t worry I really didn’t smoking and drinking, absolutely do my best to keep your room clean, like I never been there, only leave friendship over our life.Forever welcome to China, to my city ! If you would like to help, I’d be glad to hear from you, and will be my honer,what your decision. Have a good day! C Праздником! С Днём России!! Odin Sergey Yeremeev 14 June 2011 - 8:46 am You are welcome to come over here in Olkhon island where we live 300km away from Irkutsk. It's easy to get here by bus or by boat...even helicopters may get here in the village of Khujir. Please write me to my email adress. Be well, Sergei. DIRECTIONS: Please contact me either by email:yeremeevolkhon@yandex.ru or by phone:+7 914 947 5379 ADDRESS: Olkhon District, village Khujir on the island Olkhon, HOUSE near the temple http://bogoroditsa-olkhon.prihod.ru/forum Irkutsk, Irkutsk, 666137 Russia Phone: +7 914 947 5379 |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
25 Июн 2011, 10:37 Dan Gazit wants to surf your couch Dan Gazit Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel Coming to Irkutsk... Hello Sergey, My name is Dan and I am about to start my big adventure visiting Asia for the first time on the trans-siberian train. A bit about me: I work as a tour guide with Israeli tourists in South America, and now when it's winter over there and the tourism season is over, I decided to take a trip by myself, and chose to fulfill an old dream - the trans-siberian train! I am currently in Moscow (studying a bit of Russian), and leaving tonight 25/6 to Tomsk, and after a few days will take a train to Irkutsk, where I would also like to visit the island. You seem like a really interesting and nice person - I Hope I can meet you and stay with you when I come! Dan |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
27 Июн 2011, 18:06 Rob Harkness has written the following reference about you on your OLKHON profile: Sergey in Olkhon island is so hospitable and caring. What a beautiful place too, there is something magical about the Island, and staying with Sergey in the Khujir village is the best way to experience it! To see this person's profile, go to http://www.couchsurfing.org/people/robh1111/ |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
27 Июн 2011, 18:21 Les prix des excursions et les services ! Messieurs Dames ! Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir sur l’ile d’Olkhon ? notre base touristique. Nous vous proposons de prendre connaissance des excursions et des prix. LES EXCURSIONS SUR L'EAU 1. Autour des ?les de la Petite Mer Le d?part ? 20h du quai du port de Khoujir, la dur?e de l'excursion est de 2 heures. Durant ce temps vous verrez les endroits les plus int?ressants et pourrez admirer la beaut? du coucher de soleil. Le navire passera devant la place sacr?e — le cap Bourkhan (Rocher de Chaman) — et longera la plage sablonneuse du golfe Sarajsky. Vous vous approcherez de l'?le Blanche, o? demeure une grande quantit? de mouettes et de cormorans. On peut les nourrir avec du pain. A cet endroit vous pourrez faire de magnifiques photos. Ensuite vient le d?part vers l'?le de Krokodil'tchik (Grand Tajnak) qui a re?u son nom gr?ce ? sa ressemblance avec un crocodile. Le soir au retour sur le quai les paysages surprenants du Ba?kal s’ouvriront ? vous dans les rayons du soleil couchant. Le co?t : 0 roubles/pax 2. L'?le Ogoj L'?le Ogoj est un terrain qui vous lib?re de l’?nergie n?gative des actions pass?es. Cette ?le peut ?tre consid?r?e comme une terre pure. En 2005 on ?rigea un stupa bouddhiste sur l’?le d’Ogoi. C’est un lieu d'?claircissement spirituel, le symbole de la victoire sur tous les obstacles. Le d?part est ? 11h du quai du port de Khoujir, le navire part vers les Sources Sacr?es, le trajet dure une heure. Le groupe avec le guide d?barque au bord et va ? la Source sacr?e, l'excursion se prolonge jusqu'? 13h30. De 13h30 ? 14h30, d?jeuner au bord du navire (comprit dans le prix). A bord il y a un caf? (co?t suppl?mentaire), on peut y go?ter les plats de la cuisine bouriate. Apr?s le d?jeuner le navire part vers l'?le Ogoj, o? se trouve le stoupa bouddhiste. Le dur?e du trajet est de 1h30. L'arriv?e sur l'?le d’Ogoj est ? 16h, le guide organisera l'excursion. ? 17h, d?part pour le quai du village de Khoujir, arriv?e pr?vue ? 19h. Le co?t : 0 roubles/pax 3. Les ?les Ouchkan’i et Le Golf Tchivyrkoujsky L’Archipel Ouchkan’i est un c?l?bre monument naturel qui se situe ? 7 km vers l'ouest de la p?ninsule Le Nez Sacr?. L'archipel attire depuis longtemps l'attention des savants, des explorateurs et, certes, des touristes par son caract?re ?nigmatique et par ses flore et faune exotiques. Sur ces ?les se trouve les phoques baikaliens - nerpas. Golfe Tchivyrkoujsky — le coin rare de nature vierge, o? on trouve tout pour le repos familial. A votre disposition se trouve un s?jour unique ?loign? de la ville et de sa vanit? journali?re. On peut se baigner dans les sources d’eaux chaudes. La p?che y est formidable. On peut aussi tout simplement nager dans l'eau du golfe qui se chauffe bien durant l’?t? . Le d?part est ? 8h depuis le quai du port de Khoujir. Le trajet jusqu'? l’archipel Ouchkan'ikh dure de 8h ? 18h. ? 18h arriv?e ? Ouchkaniy, o? le guide vous montrera l’endroit de pr?dilection des phoques du Ba?kal. L'excursion dure jusqu'? 19h, puis le navire part pour s'approcher du golfe Tchivyrkoujsky vers 21h. Les sources chaudes sp?cialement ?quip?es se situent dans le golfe ? quelques endroits au bord du lac. On profite de ces sources pour le traitement de la radiculite. Toute la nuit dans le golfe vous naviguerez pr?s des sources. ? 8h le d?part pour le retour. Le premier jour : petit d?jeuner ? 9h, d?jeuner ? 14h, d?ner ? 19h. Le deuxi?me jour : petit d?jeuner ? 10h, d?jeuner ? 15h. Le co?t : 6500 roubles/pax, le co?t de l'excursion sur Ouchkan'ikh— 2000 roubles/pax — sont pay?s aux collaborateurs de la r?serve naturelle De Ba?kal et n’est pas comprit dans le co?t du billet principal. Attention! Il est n?cessaire de prendre avec vous les objets de toilette, les maillots de bain, ainsi que les v?tements chauds contre le vent. 4. Archipel Ouchkaniy. Premier jour : petit d?jeuner ? 9h, d?jeuner ? 14h. Le co?t : 4000 roubles/pax, le co?t de l'excursion sur les ?les — 2000 roubles — est pay? aux collaborateurs de la r?serve naturelle De Ba?kal et n’est pas comprit dans le prix du billet principal. 5. Le cap Khoboj. Les sources oculaires. Sur cet itin?raire on peut voir tous les paysages principaux autour de l’?le d’Olkhon. Khoboi est l’extr?mit? nord d'Olkhon. Le rocher du cap a re?u son nom extraordinaire de la langue bouriate ("Khoboj" — en bouryat "une dent canine"). ?troit, rocheux, il se donne ? la mer avec sa haute pointe aigu?. Depuis le sommet du cap s’ouvre une vue grandiose sur une Petite et Grande mer du lac Baikal. D?part ? 11h depuis les quais du port de Khoujir, arriv?e sur les sources oculaires ? 12h15. ? 12h30 commence l'excursion. On peut s’approvisionner en eau des sources pour le traitement des yeux. L'excursion dure jusqu'? 13h30. Entre temps le chef du navire cuisinera le d?jeuner avec l’omoul du Baikal. Vers 14h30 le navire part vers le cap de Khoboj o? le guide organisera l'excursion. Du c?t? de la mer le cap Khoboj ressemble au corps d’une femme qui regarde loin dans la mer. Selon la l?gende, c'est une bouriate qui ?tait p?trifi?e parce qu’elle demandait aux habitants des cieux le m?me palais qu’ils avaient pour eux. Le navire retourne au port vers 19h. Le co?t : 0 roubles/pax 6. L'itin?raire combin? au cap Khoboj En 2011 l’itin?raire combin? a ?t? ouvert vers le cap Khoboj. L'itin?raire est tr?s int?ressant. Les groupes partent en navire et en minibus (ouasiks) au village d’Ouzoury o? les transports sont ?chang?s (les touristes des minibus passent sur le navire et vice versa). Fa?tes attention, cette excursion vous permet d’explorer enti?rement le nord de l'?le en une seule journ?e. L'excursion commence ? 11h et dure jusqu'? 21h. Le co?t de l'excursion comprend le d?jeuner. Les touristes partant en navire d?jeunent sur le bateau, les touristes qui partent en minibus d?jeunent sur l'?le. Cet itin?raire est d?crit en d?tail dans les autres excursions . Le co?t : roubles/pax 7. Voyage sur le bateau japonais rapide (sorte de ZODIAC). Le dur?e du trajet aller-retour. 7.1. Archipel OUCHKANIY Distance de 240 km, le trajet de 7 heures, le co?t du trajet roubles 7.2. Golfe Tchivyrkouj Distance 320 km, le trajet de 9 heures, le co?t du trajet roubles 7.3. Golfe Bargouzin Distance de 240 km, le trajet de 7 heures, le co?t du trajet roubles 7.4. Le trajet en cercle dans la Petite Mer Distance de 65 km, le trajet de 2 heures, l’arr?t pour 3 heures, le co?t roubles 7.5. Sourhaity ( en face de l'?le d’Olkhon) Distance de 35 km, le trajet de 1 heure, l’arr?t pour 2 heures, le co?t roubles 7.6. Cap Khoboj Distance de 80 km, le trajet de 2.5 heures, le co?t roubles 7.7. Autour de l'?le d'Ol'khon Distance de 140 km, le trajet de 4 heures, le co?t roubles EXCURSIONS, L'?LE D’OLKHON 1. Cap Khoboj L'excursion terrestre au cap Khoboj est aussi int?ressante que l'excursion aquatique. D'habitude, les touristes souhaitent visiter le cap Khoboj en navire et en voiture pour en saisir l’ensemble des impressions. Le village de Kharantsy, le village Pestchanka, l'?le Blanche et l’?le de Krokodil'tchik, le piquet Bouriate — la place de l'adoration de Bouriate, le cap Trois Fr?res (Sagan Khouchin), le village d'Ouzoury au bord de la Grande mer. Le co?t de l'excursion - roubles/pax 2. La partie sud de l'?le d'Ol'khon. Une excursion tr?s int?ressante. Pour cet itin?raire le guide est pr?vu. Si dans la partie nord de l’?le d’Olkhon la ta?ga et les rochers dominent le paysage, dans la partie sud de l'?le vous vous retrouverez dans les steppes par monts et par vaux. La route commence ? partir du port du bac d’Olkhon, puis Tachkajsky (golfe Zagli) avec ses hauts rochers. Cet endroit a le plus de jours ensoleill?s dans toute la r?gion d'Irkoutsk. Ensuite le cap de Khorgoj. On d?couvre ici les anciennes ruines du peuple nomade KURYKANY. Une belle vue panoramique sur la stoupa de l'?le d’Ogoj. Petite ville en pierre. Baie de la joie. Lac de Khonkhoj. Lac du Charanour. Le co?t de l'excursion - roubles/pax 3. Lac Charanour. Charanour est traduit de la langue bouriate comme «lac Jaune». Le lac attire par son emplacement g?ographique privil?gi?. Il se trouve dans la plus haute partie de la steppe ? la hauteur de 150 m?tres. Il est entour? de tous les c?t?s par le bois et les monts prot?geant le lac des vents. En ?t? l'eau se chauffe vite. Charanour est connu ? cause de sa boue salubre. Bien des gens se soignent de diverses maladies li?es au syst?me d’articulation. Descendant deux kilom?tres le long d’un ruisseau, les voyageurs se trouvent dans la val?e d’Idiba qui donne sur la Grande mer. Le co?t de l'excursion - roubles/pax Attention! Les touristes peuvent individuellement commander les excursions sur l'?le (le sud et le nord de l'?le) en 4X4 ouasik ou Niva. Maximum pour un groupe : 4 personnes. Pour commander une excursion individuelle adressez vous ? la R?ception. 4. VILLAGE BOURIATE Ce voyage est une chance de voir la vie quotidienne de la population indig?ne d'Olkhon. Fa?tes connaissance avec le folklore du peuple Bouriate, leurs m?tiers, l'?conomie, le mode de vie et les croyances. A 4 km de Khoujir, en passant vers le bac dans le sud se trouve le village de Malomorets. Vous rencontrerez l’une des plus vieilles familles bouriate d’Olkhon. Ils vous offriront les plats et les boissons traditionnels, vous montreront le mus?e ? la belle ?toile. ? l'int?rieur de leur yourte ils vous proposeront le r?cit de la vie quotidienne et des m?tiers nationaux. Pour repartir, vous pouvez revenir ? pied le long de la plage. Nous vous conseillons fortement de visiter ce village bouriate et d’essayer leurs plats traditionnels . Il y a quelques options : 1. Le village bouriate. La dur?e 1h30-2h. 1. La salutation des visiteurs dans les costumes nationaux. 2. L'excursion dans la yourte bouriate. 3. Les d?gustations bouriates traditionnelles (le lait, le pain maison, le fromage, le fromage blanc, la cr?me fra?che, le th? bouriate au thym) 4. Le concert (les chansons traditionnelles bouriates, les danses, les ?nigmes, les d?lices de la langue bouriate) 5. La lutte nationale bouriate (les enfants peuvent participer ? la lutte) 6. La danse nationale de "Iokhr" est pr?vue pour la fin! Le co?t de l'excursion - roubles 2. Le village bouriate sans d?gustation de boissons. La dur?e — 1h-1h30. 1. L'accueil dans le costume bouriate national 2. L'excursion dans la yourte bouriate 3. Le concert (les chansons, les danses, les l?gendes, les po?mes, les ?nigmes) 4. La lutte bouriate nationale. 5. La danse finale de "Iokhr" Le co?t de l'excursion - roubles/pax 3. Le village bouriate (sans concert). 1. L'accueil dans le costume bouriate national 2. L'excursion dans la yourte bouriate 3. La d?gustation 4. La lutte bouriate nationale. 5. La danse finale de "Iokhr" Le co?t de l'excursion - roubles/pax 4. Le village bouriate. La dur?e — 2h30-3h. Cette excursion doit ?tre r?serv?e ? l’avance afin de pr?parer la nourriture ? base de viande de mouton et pour que la table soit pr?te. Le programme complet avec le repas ( mouton ) pour 15 personnes. On peut vous cuisiner: la viande BOUKHLIOR, le boudin, les l?gumes, la salade, la sauce pour la viande, le th? au miel ou avec de la confiture. Le co?t : roubles sur 15 personnes. Un groupe de 15 ? 20 personnes paye le suppl?ment de roubles/pax ! Le transfert jusqu'au village bouriate peut ?tre command? en suppl?ment. PROMENADES A CHEVAL Nous organisons des excursions ?questres toujours avec le guide. Une heure ? cheval - roubles/pax Une journ?e ? cheval – roubles/pax Voici les itin?raires propos?s : 1. Le lac de Charanour; 2. La vall?e de Tachkinej; 3. Le village de Yalga (vous pouvez vous baigner dans le lac chaud ? cot? du lac Ba?kal); On vous propose le transport et le d?jeuner sec. Attention! Si le groupe contient plus que 6 personnes, nous vous proposons une voiture d'accompagnement avec le d?jeuner standard. Le co?t de l’accompagnement — roubles. 5. La promenade ? cheval au Cap Khoboj dure trois jours. Cette promenade au Cap Khoboj est propos?e uniquement aux professionnels d’?quitation. Le guide viendra avec vous pour surveiller les chevaux. Le d?part est ? 11h depuis le village de Malomorets, le d?jeuner dans le village Pestchanka, on d?ne et se couche dans le village d'Ouzoury. Le lendemain le petit d?jeuner est pris de bonne heure. Tout de suite apr?s, le d?part vers le Cap Khoboj o? on d?jeune. Vers la soir?e on retourne au village d'Ouzoury o? on d?ne et se couche pour la deuxi?me nuit. Pour le troisi?me jour le petit d?jeuner est aussi pr?vu de bonne heure, puis le retour ? la maison. Sur le chemin on d?jeune dans le village de Peschanka, apr?s le d?jeuner le retour au village de Malomorets. Les nuits et la nourriture ? Ouzoury sont pay?es s?par?ment. Le prix de cette promenade doit ?tre pr?cis? ? la R?ception. Consid?rez cette excursion avec s?rieux, il faut tout accorder individuellement!!! LA P?CHE 1. Le d?part ? la p?che « ? phare » depuis le quai du port de Khoujir ? 23h, le trajet dure de 30 minutes ? 2 heures, la dur?e de la p?che 3-4 heures, apr?s cela le navire s'approche du bord de l’?le d’Olkhon pour vous montrer la p?che sous l’h?lice (de 5h ? 7h du matin). Vers 8h le retour sur le quai dans le port de Khoujir. Les lignes de p?che sont d?j? sur le navire. Le d?ner. Le groupe doit ?tre constitu? de 15 personnes maximum. Le co?t : roubles/pax 2. La p?che de l'apr?s-midi en petits bateaux dans les lagunes chaudes. Le co?t : roubles/pax 3. La p?che sur le canot japonais rapide. Sourhaity, Khoboj, Moukhor. La p?che individuelle. La location du canot et le stationnement pour la p?che vous sera pr?cis? ? la R?ception. 4. La p?che du matin et du soir en navire. Le matin de 6h ? 8h et le soir de 20h jusqu'? 22h. On pr?pare les lignes, on peut boire du th? ? volont? sur le pont. Le co?t : roubles/pax Le location des quads Le co?t de location d'un quad est de 1100 roubles/heure, la location de deux quads est de 2000 roubles/heure, la location de trois quads est de 900 roubles/heure pour chacun. Par beau temps dans le golfe Sarajsky et dans la baie pr?s du cap de Bourkhan on peut prendre part aux activit?s aquatiques. Les services suppl?mentaires 1. Le bain russe (? commander ? l’avance). Une heure co?te — les roubles. Le Balai co?te - des roubles. 2. Le bois pour la chemin?e, une portion vaut — roubles 3. La location d’un v?lo. Une heure vaut — roubles, la location pour une journ?e est de — roubles. 4. Le d?jeuner. - roubles. 5. La lessive ? la machine ? laver. Un chargement vaut — roubles. 6. Le taxi. Si vous souhaitez jouir des services du taxi, adressez vous ? la R?ception. Par exemple, on peut commander un taxi pour aller au lac Khonkhoj - le lac chaud, on peut partir pour toute la journ?e pour bronzer et se baigner. Le soir la voiture viendra vous chercher. Attention! Le petit d?jeuner est servit ? 9h ? l’h?tel, le d?ner ? 19h. Le jour du d?part de l’h?tel ? Irkoutsk, le petit d?jeuner est ? 8h. L’heure du d?ner est d?cal?e pour les touristes, qui se trouvent sur les excursions du lac Ba?kal. Le d?jeuner est pr?vu pour toutes les excursions du jour et est comprit dans le co?t. Attention! Veuillez ne pas jeter d’ordures, mettez les ? la place sp?cialement destin?e ? cet usage. En cas de dommage sur le mat?riel, l’h?tel a le droit d’?xiger un remboursement. |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
28 Июн 2011, 03:21 Hi yeremeev, the member putojon from Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal sent you this message from the Hospitality Club website: ================== Hello! My name is Jo?o, I’m Portuguese and I have 28 years old. I started travelling on 17th of June, with a friend called also Jo?o and he has 29 years old. We started this trip from Lisbon to Liverpool, than to Tallin and now Russia. We have been in St. Petersburg and now we are in Moscow. We are planning to start the Trans Mongolian next week,. We bought the train ticket to Irkutsk today!!! Oh YEAH!!!! We leave Moscow on the 29th of June and we will arrive to Irkutsk at 4a.m. of 3rd of July. We are planning to stay in the train station until the sun rises but after we would like to ask you if you have a place for us to stay a couple of nights. After that period we will go to Ulan Bator to stay for a week or so. Ticket direct from Irkutsk to Ulan Bator it’s easy to buy at the time in the station? We have to make the Mongolian Visa and want to do a lot of exploration in the region. We are looking for some hospitality club members to host us. I’m a member since some time and I often host people in different situations, at my parents place, at my own, with some friends. Can you host us 2 or 3 nights while we visit your city? We don’t bother to sleep on the floor if we have a roof on top of us. Our trip is going straight to China, than Tibet, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodja, Laos, Vietnam, China (again) and back to Europe. In fact, we are just starting when we reach your place. We are calm and open minded persons, both like photography and film making, passionate with life and looking for some real contact with truly citizens from the places we pass by. I’m a Material Engineer and he is a films editor, we are responsible and easy going. We like to rest and talk if you want to rest and talk, we like to party if you like to party… resuming, we are the perfect guests! ? Let me know about any suggestion you have for our staying in your city (country), maybe some advises for the Trans Mongolian? Also, if you are able to manage a space for a couple of nights we would be appreciated. Thanks for your time, hope to hear from you soon, even you cannot host us. Best wishes, Jo?o _______________________________________________- Travels and interests Languages spoken: English, French-a bit less, Italian-lets see Hobbies, Interests: Well... I like sports, different kinds, photo, join the life with friends, cinema, music, science. Travel experience: A 36 days trip with four friends from Portugal to Turkey, France, Spain. Erasmus Program in Ostrava with a lot of trvells arround ( Wien, Bratislava, Budapeste, Milano, Brussels, London and Amesterdam). 7 months in Brazil... working but travelling too! Paris, London (working... From June to October, travelling by Asia, Tripasia, here we go! Planned trips, where & when (you can also post your plans in the Forum): Just invite, i will see what i can do! Help and advice I can offer: Accommodation:yes other:We have to see Best times for me to help someone: Contact me! Nearby public transport: Subway, Buses, Tram.. Nearby bigger cities, distance: I am in the Capital and Portugal is small! The farest one is about 400 km. Interesting things to see and do where I live, my tips (please also add this to the Lisboa Travel Guide): Lisbon has some good places to visit and also have good moments!A lot of discovery time monuments and king monuments. A lot of castles too all arround Portugal... Accommodation I live with: other people Sleeping place I can offer: sofa - bed Please bring: sleeping bag Maximum number of guests: 2 Maximum length of stay: 3 days Notification - visitors: should notify 7 days in advance, must notify 3 days in advance, and are asked to call between 10:00 and 02:00. Gender of guest: doesn't matter Smoking: no problem Requirements and Restrictions: pay for phone calls - pay for food - do dishes - other:be open mind Pets: None |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
28 Июн 2011, 03:42 Hi Sergey, I'am a french old student who wants to discover as much things as possible !! This year is the end for a lots of things (I've just finished a "movie") but before, I want to explore Russia !! So I take the "traditional" transiberian railway to go from Moscou to Vladivostok !! I planed to stop in Novossibirsk and Irkutsk !! I'm just New on this site, I hosted some people few weeks ago and it was great !! It would be great to meet each-other, even if your couch is not available !! Let me know !! Have a nice day ! Simon Accept this request? |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
01 Июл 2011, 17:06 - 8:33 am Hi Sergey! How are you? I’m Bent from Belgium, Antwerp and this summer in July and August I’m going to do the Trans-Siberian railroad and take train or bus further to Mongolia, China and Japan, with a really good friend of mine, Bram Van Houtte (see my friends), for the trip of our lives. Our first stop is Riga (we’re landing the 3rd of July),from there we’re taking the train to St. Petersburg, Moscow, and so on... (we have not prepared anything, no reservations, tickets so we have to do it on the spot) Between the 17th and 19th we're visiting Baikal Lake and because we're travelling a lot based on couchsurfing, this spot really seems nice to camp, stay the night, couchsurf or just find our peace and learn some new things. We saw your profile, the photos in Olkhon and it looks amazing! We're really looking forward to visit and learn about the olkhon culture. The people look very friendly and interesting, so we certainly want to take part of keeping up the spirit. I’m a musician, play the guitar. My friend Bram plays the guitar as well and is sound engineer for a Belgian band. I'm studying at the school of visual arts in Antwerp. Painting is a really important part of my life, and the island would be so perfect to make drawings, sketches,... Really looking forward to meet you. We don’t want to do extremely tourist things. We just want to have fun on a different way and it would be great in combination with you and your stories! Anyway, we arrive at Lake Baikal around the 17th of July and will probably stay for 2 days, but this is flexible as we're travelling by train. Bram and I were wondering if you have a couch, floor to sleep on or a place outside for our tent? Really looking forward to your answer. Thanks a lot in advance and all the best, Bent and Bram |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
16 Июл 2011, 15:35 Grand merci, chers Jean Luc et Dominique! Vous lire me communique beaucoup de joie. SPACIBO d'avoir pens? ? nous et d'avoir envoy? ce tr?sor qu'est le bouquin de Sylvain. Je suis en ce moment ? St P?tersbourg pour le Festival International de la Musique Orthodoxe. Dans deux semaines je serais de retour sur l'?le pour retrouver votre cadeau. Voici quellesques fotos du terrain de jeu pour vous tenir au courant de la construction: http://bogoroditsa-olkhon.prihod.ru/news/guid/8240 http://bogoroditsa-olkhon.prihod.ru/news/guid/8174 Un jour peut-?tre vous reviendrai ? Olkhon pour y emmener vos petits-enfants qui seront tr?s heureux sur ce terrain vierge et plein de gr?ce. Passez nos salutations ? toute votre grande famille que nous invitons d?couvrir Olkhon - l'?le au milieu du lac Baikal marqu? par votre pr?sence! Portez vous bien, Sergei Jean Luc et Dominique Pioffret a ?crit: >Salut Sergey >Pour te dire que j'ai remis ? la poste le livre ''Aphorismes sous la lune et autres pens?es sauvages'' de Sylvain Tesson.D'ici 3 semaines tu devrais ?tre en mesure de le lire. > >J'ai appris que le terrain de jeu pour les enfants avait pas mal avanc?... > >Une pens?e pour toi et toute ta famille. >et merci milles fois encore >Jean Luc >PS:c'est l'heure de passer ? table.....(lol) > DIRECTIONS: Please contact me either by email:yeremeev@hotmail.com or by phone:+7 914 947 5379 ADDRESS: Olkhon island, village Khujir, HOUSE near the ONLY RUSSIAN CHURCH IN OLKHON http://bogoroditsa-olkhon.prihod.ru/forum Irkutsk, Irkutsk, 666137 Russia PHONE: +7 914 947 5379 |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
22 Июл 2011, 13:35 I am a friend of Pierre Jeanmougin Cher Sergey, Je suis un ami de Pierre Jeanmougin. Il m'a recommande de vous contacter. D'autres personnes m'ont recommande "Sergey". Je vais arriver probablement samedi, sinon dimanche. J'espere vraiment vous rencontrer. J'imagine que tous ces couchsurfers vous donnent beaucoup de travail? moi je suis pret a vous aider si vous avez besoin d'aide. Je serai avec mon ami Nicolas (aussi). Il est suisse, a 46 ans, et c'est un tres bon ami a moi. Nous nous sommes rencontres au Tajikistan, ou j'ai vecu pendant un an et demi. Lui, il y vit encore. Nous parlons tous les deux Russe, enfin, disons que nous faisons beaucoup d'efforts pour communiquer en Russe :) Nous avons tous les deux des tentes, et une immense joie de vivre!! Je suis egalement en contact avec un autre ami de Pierre, le pere Evgeny de Kemerovo. Il va faire une colonie de vacances (lager) a Olkhon a partir du 7 aout. J'espere aussi le rencontrer. Il m'a indique que vous pourriez me montrer ou sera son camp. J'espere de tout coeur pouvoir dormir chez vous et vous rencontrer. A bientot Nicolas: |
Администратор |
23 Июл 2011, 00:18 привет из Польши Hello Sergey OLKHON! There are 3 of us coming to Pribaykalye this summer. We are going to travel by Transiberian train to Ulan Ude at first (coming on 3rd of August) and than going back to Moscow from Irkutsk on the 18th of August. The 2 weeks inbetween we want to spend somewhere around the Baikal Lake. We thought of visiting Olkhon Island as well, but as we will be traveling unplanned it is hard to say on what day exactly we will arrive. But anyway do you think it will be possible to visit you? We have got our own tents, mattresses and sleeping bags so we won't need much:) If it is not a problem for you could you be so kind to give us your address so we can find you on Olkhon? Of course we are coming on our risk - I imagine it is hard for you to say if you will have space for us if we are not providing you with any date. Thanks in advance for your answer. I wish you all the best. Cheers, Zuzia OLKHON OLKHON OLKHON |
Администратор |
25 Июл 2011, 16:41 Hello My name is MArian and i am from greece , i am currently living in Novosibirsk for a volunteer program with AIESEC/ With 2 more girls,(all between 20-25 years old) one from slovakia that speaks russian and one from italy , we really want to visit baikal but we are short of info and accomodation. My facebook name is Marian Pis and my Email is pissaridi.marian@gmail.com unfortunately i dont have a verified account on couchsurfing but i have no time to do it since we are thinkin of going to baikal in 3- 4 days..28 29 or 30 of july.depends from the train tickets and the info we get. so i would really appreciate it if you could send me any info about it. our staying near baikal whould be 2-3 night. we are planning to go to irkutsk and then make some excursions to baikal or even go to stay on day in the olkhon island, is it worht it? how can we go there? do you know time and prices? so for a three day journey to baikal what would you suggest to see?should we have irkustk as the place to stay for all nights ? or go somewhere else? where to go? how can we go there?we will be using busses probably. we have to book before reaching baikal or on the same day? is there any site? where do you think we should live ? tents? is there any possibility of any host from you or maybe some help when we get to baikal?? would yu suggest to go to the island? can we stay there and how? how much would be the ticket? Or is there any organized tours of affordable price that are worth it? i know that my questions are too general but i am in need of help that will determine if the trip will be realised!! i am waiting for your answer any info would be appreciated spaciba Marian |
Администратор |
25 Июл 2011, 16:42 Ch?re famille, chers amis, Voici 10 jours que j'ai atterri sur cette d'Am?rique. Apr?s les beaut?s classiques et baroques de Saint-P?tersbourg me voici dans la ville qui aura inspir? tant d'architectes du XXe si?cle ! L'arriv?e lundi 11 Juillet fut sans probl?mes si ce n'est la longue attente pour le passage devant la police aux fronti?res, et aussi par ce que nous avions atterri apr?s un vol en provenance de la Chine, les formalit?s dans ce cas ?tant toujours plus longues ! La sortie de l'a?roport vers le Centre-ville fut une promesse d'un ?t? chaud ! Une chaleur ?crasante nous attendait ? la sortie, une humidit? tr?s lourde la rendait encore moins supportable, serait-ce tout l'?t? ainsi ? N'ayant pas beaucoup chang? le contenu de ma valise entre Saint-P?tersbourg et New-York je me voyais d?j? cuire ? petit feu dans les seuls pantalons que j'avais apport? et me pr?cipiterai acheter des shorts (culottes courtes en Fran?ais n'est-ce pas ?). J'arrivais dans Manhattan dans l'appartement de ma cousine S?verine expatri?e ici, partie pour quelques jours en voyage d'affaire. Tr?s bel appartement dans un quartier calme de Manhattan, les maisons y sont basses, ressemblant ? celles des quartiers de Westminster ? Londres. Les frises des corniches des maisons sont dans un style n?o-grec, typiques ? NY ? la fin du XIXe si?cle. Au Nord, le quartier vertical de Mid Town o? se situent les deux beaux gratte-ciel de l'Empire State Building et surtout le tr?s beau Chrysler Building, avec ses aigles chrom?s aux corniches, comme des gargouilles mena?ants, et sa tr?s fine fl?che que l'on reconna?t dans tout NY. Ces deux tours restent parmi les plus hautes de NY quand bien m?me elles furent achev?es repesctivement en 1931 et 1930, devenant ? l'?poque les plus hauts b?timents du monde (la Tour Eiffel est un monument) ! Et au Sud le quartier financier de Wall Street tout aussi vertigineux, au bord de la baie, d'o? partent les bateaux vers Ellis Island, et toutes les ?les qui entourent la grande ?le de Manhattan. Les quartiesr entre les deux sont constitu?s de petites maisons car il est impossible de construire des tours pour des raisons g?ologiques. Le mardi matin je commen?ais ma premi?re journ?e de stage. J'ai ?t? pris pour 2 mois et 3 semaines au sein de l'organisation "Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute", ou C-FAM. Le bureau est dans Mid-Town, au pied du Chrysler Building, il est spacieux et nous sommes neuf ? y travailler dont 4 stagaires : Cristina, une jeune Mexicaine et son amie Catherine de Phoenix en Arizona (4e ville du pays), ville dans laquelle elles ont particip? ? une pr?paration juridique et une formation organis?e par une union de mouvements pro-vie am?ricains, protestants et catholiques r?unis, appel?s Blackstone, du nom du c?l?bre juriste Anglais de la deuxi?me moiti? du XVIIIe si?cle. Les jeunes participants ? cette formation sont ensuite envoy?s dans tous les coins des EU mais aussi ? Rome, en Afrique du Sud, soit dans des institutions internationales soit dans des cabinets juridiques de d?fense de la vie. Avec ces deux stagiaires je suis rentr? directement dans le monde des Pro-Vie am?ricains et mexicains, organis?s et tr?s effectifs. En effet, depuis une dizaine d'ann?es, ces mouvements ont r?ussi ? faire fermer plus de la moiti? des centres d'avortement sur le territoire des EU, diminuant par l? le nombre d'avortements dans le pays, qui reste encore l?g?rement sup?rieur proportionnellement ? la France (1,2 millions d'avortements par an aux EU, pour 220 000 en France, avec une population presque 5 fois sup?rieure). Le troisi?me stagiaire Daniel est un jeune afro-am?ricain de Brooklyn qui se destine ? entrer au s?minaire en septembre. L'?quipe est constitu?e encore de Amanda, am?ricaine d'origine polonaise, Florenzia, une Argentine ayant v?cu longtemps et ?tudi? le droit aux EU, elle ?tudie l'action des Nations-Unies dans certains pays d'Am?rique Latine (en ce moment le Costa Rica), o? les agences de l'organisation internationale tentent d'imposer une nouvelle l?gislation aux pays, sur la question du mariage homosexuel, de l'avortement, de la th?orie du gender..., les mena?ant dans le cas contraire de ne plus leur verser les aides financi?res de l'ONU. C'est du beau, quel respect de la souverainet? ! Puis la direction, Lauren, Samantha (d'origine philippine, un des rares pays d'Asie qui refusent jusqu'? ce jour de l?galiser l'avortement et ayant une bonne natalit? et un renouvellement contrairement ? beaucoup de ses voisins, en effet plus de la moiti? des pays dans le monde sont en dessous de leur niveau de renouvellement naturel, qui varie de 2,1 ? 2,5 selon le niveau de d?veloppement du pays, et ce contrairement ? ce que disent haut et fort les ?cologistes dans le monde...) Et enfin Terrence, le directeur de notre bureau, juriste et excellent connaisseur de tous les probl?mes et des id?es que notre organisation tentent de d?faire. Nous pr?parons en ce moment la Conf?rence sur la Jeunesse, qui aura lieu ? l'ONU la semaine qui vient, et organisons des ?v?nements en marge pour informer les jeunes new-yorkais des enjeux d'une telle conf?rence. Au programme, concerts (un groupe de rock irlandais "Scythian") , conf?rences, d?bats, rencontres... Ma mission dans l'organisation est de r?diger d'ici mi-ao?t un papier sur la d?mographie russe, l'?tat d?mographique du pays, ses effets sur l'?conomie, sa position g?opolitique, ainsi que les politiques publiques mises en place depuis plusieurs ann?es par l'Etat russe et ses effets. En effet, C-FAM depuis quelques temps se rapprochent de la mission russe aupr?s de l'ONU, connaissant les effets d?sastreux qu'a eu l'avortement en Russie depuis la r?volution d'Octobre, ?tant autoris? et recommand? pour "la lib?ration de la femme de la servitude de la famille" selon les mots de L?nine. Beau programme ! Ainsi apr?s 90 ans de pratique de l'avortement, le pays rencontre des difficult?s consid?rables, malgr? l'acc?s ? des prix abordables ? la contraception (m?me chose en France, pays dans lequel la contraception est la plus r?pandue), ? augmenter le nombre de naissances, malgr? une aide consid?rable offerte par le gouvernement russe (8000 euros) aux familles ayant un enfant. Il semble ? pr?sent que le d?sir d'un enfant en Russie, soit moins pour des raisons ?conomiques que pour des raisons sociologiques (influence des id?es europ?ennes) et m?dicales (de nombreuses femmes deviennent st?riles apr?s un ou plusieurs avortements, ce nombre augmentant de 13% chaque ann?e en Russie ). Ainsi la Russie commence ? changer de position au sein des institutions de l'ONU, elle qui quand l'URSS existait encore, ?tait un ardent d?fenseur de l'avortement. Vous avez l? en substance le d?but de mes recherches sur le travail ? rendre ! Il devrait ?tre publi? courant ao?t dans la lettre d'information de C-FAM, le Friday Fax, paraissant tous les vendredis sur leur site, www.c-fam.org Tous sont tr?s sympathiques et disponibles quand nous avons des questions. Ils sont de bon conseil pour mes recherches. Le soir m?me, on me proposa de me rendre ? des d?bats-discussions sur l'amour et la responsabilit?, organis?s par un jeune Australien qui avait lanc? ce projet dans son pays et qui maintenant le mettait en route ? NY. Beaucup de jeunes catholiques (mais pas seulement, certains protestants, ath?es ou agnostiques viennent y participer, conduits pas leur "fianc?" ou int?ress?s par leur sujet, j'ai compris ainsi combien la soci?t? am?ricaine n'est pas aussi fragment?e qu'elle ne l'est en tout cas en France). La discussion s'appuyait sur un livre d'un jeune am?ricain, commentant l'encyclique sur ce th?me de Jean-Paul II. Tr?s int?ressant soir?e, pendant laquelle les hommes de mon groupe (les groupes ?taient non-mixtes) se livraient sinc?rement, racontaient leur exp?rience personnelle, sans vulgarit?. L'Eglise catholique est tr?s dynamique ? NY, elle est la plus grande communaut?, gr?ce aux descendants Irlandais, Italiens, et maintenant avec l'arriv?e de nouveaux immigrants d'Am?rique Latine (d'ailleurs beaucoup de pubs, de services t?l?phoniques... sont dans les deux langues). On ne comte plus les publications chr?tiennes, les ?glises remplies de fid?les, les Universit?s catholiques, de premier ou de second niveau... Sinon la vie ? NY est tr?s sympathique, c'est un rythme assez fou dans lequel beaucoup de jeunes de tous les Etats-Unis viennent prendre la mesure, esp?rant grimper dans leur carri?re, les jeunes hommes, beaucoup dans la banque habitent Brooklyn ou le Queens quand les jeunes femmes c?libataires pr?f?rent habiter Manhattan, plus proche de la vie culturelle, des sorties, ce qui fait que l'?le est habit?e ? 70% par des femmes ! Dans les faits, il y a beaucoup de c?libataires ? NY, par rapport ? la moyenne am?ricaine, et beaucoup ne d?sirent pas y vivre plus tard. C'est selon eux, un excellent moyen pour commencer, ils ont du temps, de l'?nergie mais d?s qu'ils trouvent une bonne opportunit? autre part ils quittent la ville. Beaucoup d'Europ?ens reviennent et beaucoup de talentueux asiatiques arrivent, notamment dans les fili?res scientifiques, mais pas seulement. La ville de NY compte, sans la banlieue, 8,5 millions d'habitants dont 3,5 seulement sur Manhattan, ?le longue de 21 km sur 3km de large. Vendredi apr?s-midi, Terrence nous a emmen? visiter les Nations-Unies, int?rieur ann?es 70 un peu cramoisi (!), et un pendule (symbole ma?onnique comme dans le Panth?on ? Paris au milieu de la coupole) suit sa course math?matique... Une salle de "m?ditation" trouve place dans le hall, dans le style de celles des a?roports... Quel haut lieu de spiritualit? ! Un peu comme les minutes de silence au lieu des minutes de pri?re dans les obs?ques nationales... Nous sommes mont?s avec Catherine et Cristina en haut de l'Empire State building pour la modique somme de... 22$ !!! L'arriv?e au 86e ?tages est impressionnante, cela ne prend que quelques secondes, puis une superbe vue, au-dessus de tous les gratte-ciel aux alentours, sur toute la p?riph?rie de NYC, les Etats qui bordent la ville, New-Jersey, Connecticut et Etat de NY. L'Hudson river l'East river qui viennent bien d?limiter la perspective, le grand rectangle vert au Nord de Central Park, ?lot de calme et de verdure au sein de la tumultueuse ville. Cette escapade nous aura tout de m?me permis de rep?rer quelques terrasses sur les toits des gratte-ciel. Nous nous sommes rendus sur l'une d'elle, qui offre une vue interm?diaire entre celle de la rue et du haut de l'Empire State. A moiti? dans l'air, au milieu des buildings offrant une multitude de tons dans la couleur de leur paroi vitr?e, lieu assez jet-set o? le plus simple gin-tonic co?te 12$ et o? l'on r?serve longtemps ? l'avance pour pouvoir s'y asseoir et ?tre vu avec ses amis ? l'une des tables de la terrasse. Il y a d'autres terrasses de ce type qui se transforment en club la nuit tomb?e et certaines ont une piscine perch?e au 70e ?tage... Le samedi, premier week-end, nous sommes all?s sur Governor Island, les bateaux pour Ellis Island, ?le par laquelle passaient tous les immigrants du NE des EU, arrivant d'Europe en paquebots, ? partir de la fin du XIXe si?cle. Il ya para?t-il un tr?s int?ressant mus?e qui raconte cette aventure qu'ont v?cu tant d'anc?tres des am?ricains. L'?le des Gouverneurs est sympathique bien que petite, un bateau emm?ne gratuitement les promeneurs, emporter un v?lo vous co?te quelques dollars, elle offre une superbe vue du Sud de Manhattan et de la statue de la Libert?. Puis nous sommes partis pour Brooklyn, traversant ? pied le pont du m?me nom et qui lui offre une vue sur toute l'?le de Manhattan, cette fois de l'Est, le pont formant comme un axe sym?trique entre les 2 quartiers de tours, au Sud, et au Centre-Nord. Tr?s belle balade. Le soir j'ai visit? la cath?drale Saint-Patrick, tr?s bel ?difice n?o-gothique entour? de hauts immeubles et sis en face du Rockefeller Center. Il fut construit gr?ce ? la fortune du milliardaire protestant am?ricain du p?trole, n'appr?ciant pas beaucoup les catholiques. Sur la minuscule place de ce centre culturel faisant face au portail de la cath?drale a ?t? inaugur? une statue d'un homme portant le globe sur ses ?paules, tel un atlante, dont la seule volont? et les capacit?s permettent de dominer le monde. En r?ponse ? cela, dans le d?ambulatoire de la cath?drale, donc exactement en face de la statue est pr?sent?e une ic?ne de la Vierge tenant l'enfant J?sus, tenant le monde dans sa main ! Quelle belle r?ponse ? l'orgueil humain n'est-ce pas ? Le lendemain ma cousine S?verine me proposa de partir aux aurores avec ses amis Fran?ais sur une des plus longues plages de la r?gion de NY, la Fire Island longue de 48 km et large d'un km. La partie o? nous ?tions ne devait pas mesurer plus de 300m ! L'oc?an Atlantique enfin ! Une eau tr?s bonne et assez sal?e, et une douce brise venait alt?rer le cagnard (35-36 degr?s Celsius), on ne le sentait quasiment pas. Les amis de S?verine sont aux EU depuis bien longtemps, l'un depuis 9 ans, travaillant comme chercheur chez Phillips, l'autre ayant mont? sa bo?te et ?tant l? depuis 17 ans ! Tous deux, ?ternels c?libataires et s’accommodant pas trop mal du syst?me de dating bien que le regrettant au fond. A New-York il est presque normal de rencontrer plusieurs personnes en m?me temps, d'avoir en fait plusieurs relations tant que les choses ne sont pas d?finies. Ils nous disaient combien leur surprise fut grande quand ils r?alis?rent qu'ils n'?taient pas le seul que leur ch?ri rencontrait ! Ils nous racontaient combien les jeunes Fran?aises ? New-York n'arrivent pas ? s'y faire, n'?tant pas "exclusives" dans leur relation avec les Am?ricains (n'?tant qu'une parmi d'autres) sans que cela ?tonnent ces m?mes Am?ricains. Elles ne trouvent pas leur moiti? et souvent d?cident, entre autres raisons, de rentrer en France. N?anmoins, ce "dating" ? la new-yorkaise diff?re beaucoup du reste des EU, qui l? sont en principes des relations exclusives, rencontres de deux jeunes qui sont int?ress?s l'un par l'autre, qui n'ont pas certains amis en commun, mais qui veulent d'abord mieux se conna?tre avant de commencer toute relation plus personnelle. Int?ressant principe. Quelle surprise quand nous nous pr?parions ? partir faire une longue balade que nous ?tions enti?rement cram?s, la cr?me solaire imparfaitement appliqu?e, et partie avec l'eau de mer, nous ?tions couverts d'immenses br?lures sur les mollets, le dos pour moi et derri?re les genoux ! ? semaine de souffrance pour tous ! Le mardi suivant ?tait organis? dans la salle de basketball de la paroisse Old Saint-Patrick une conf?rence sur le mariage donn?e par un des meilleurs professeurs de jurisprudence des EU, le professeur George de l'Universit? Princeton accompagn? de deux ?tudiants de doctorat en Philosophie et de Sciences-Politiques. Elle ?tait organis?e apr?s le vote par le parlement de l'Etat de NY de la reconnaissance du mariage homosexuel quelques temps auparavant. Tr?s int?ressante conf?rence, o? les jeunes pr?sents ont pu poser beaucoup de questions. Toutes ces rencontres catholiques me montrent un aspect du parti R?publicain, car bien entendu, selon eux il n'y a que ce parti qui d?fend leurs id?es. Et fait tr?s int?ressant, ils n'ont pas peur du tout de se pr?senter comme conservateurs. Jeudi soir ?tait organis?e une soir?e de juristes catholiques. Elle avait lieu dans les bureaux d'un magazine d'id?es chr?tien the "First Things", fond? par le p?re Richard John Neuhaus, tr?s influent pr?tre am?ricain, d'abord devenu pasteur luth?rien au Canada puis devenu catholique. Une sorte de Cardinal Newman ? l'am?ricaine ... Voici sa page wikipedia, pour ceux int?ress?s : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_John_Neuhaus Cette soir?e fur tr?s int?ressante, avec tous les ?ges repr?sent?s, entre les avocats finissant leur carri?re, les jeunes avocats ayant d?j? de l'exp?rience, ceux qui viennent d'?tre admis au barreau et enfin beaucoup de jeunes, majoritairement en ONG, comme C-FAM et la "World Youth Alliance" de d?fense de principes ?thiques aupr?s de l'ONU mais officiellement non confessionnel, et enfin des jeunes en Phd ? la Columbia ou de Princeton. Nous avons fini avec un d?bat entre deux amis se querellant pour pouvoir dire si les films du cin?aste fran?ais Eric Rommer ?taient-ils ou non chr?tiens !!! Hier, vendredi, un ami de notre organisation, m'a permis de rencontrer le chef de la Section ONG de l'ONU, qui m'a permis de me mettre en contact avec la mission russe aupr?s des Nations-Unies afin d'avoir d'obtenir des informations pour mon travail. Je devrai rencontrer un des conseillers de la mission la semaine prochaine. Voil? donc mes 10 premiers jours ? NY ! Au programme la semaine prochaine, conf?rence sur la Jeunesse ? l'ONU, ?v?nements culturels en tout genre, visite de la "Frick Collection" (maison d'une famille richissime cr?ee pour accueillir leur collection d'art, ? la mani?re de la Wallace Collcetion ? Londres ou plus pr?s de nous l'H?tel Mo?se de Camondo sur le parc Monceau ? Paris), suivi d'une lecture, donn?e par une jeune fran?aise qui y travaille, sur l'art oriental ? la cour de Marie-Antoinette. Si vous avez des conseils de visite ? me donner ils sont les bienvenus ! Bravo ? ceux qui ont lu jusqu'au bout et ? tr?s bient?t, Quentin P.S. : En fichier joint j'ai mis une ?tude r?dig?e par des chercheurs rattach?s ? C-FAM sur la mani?re dont des agences de l'ONU ont tent? et tentent encore aujourd'hui de faire reconna?tre un droit international ? l'avortement afin de l'imposer aux pays refusant de l?gif?rer. Il s'appelle "Rights by Stealth", des Droits par la Ruse, nom ?vocateur. Bonne lecture. |
Сергей Еремеев Сообщений: 440 Зарегистрирован: 25 Фев 2011, 14:36 |
05 Сен 2011, 03:55 geia soy file sergei i am very sorry for the late reply. i have been in my birthplace for some days to "digest" the last journey and have some rest. you would like it there... it is a very small village with some hundreds of people still living there and one very old church which has seen so many generations passing by. for the moment the only thing i worry about is to find some magazines to sell some photos. this way i will start entering the field of professional photography and be able to fund myself for another journey this winter. otherwise i will have to go to some developed country again and do both travelling and working. i could be returning back there during this winter but nothing is sure yet. i met a guy in Irkutsk who has some connections in Mirny and could get me in the city and the mine over there it mis good to know that there is a shelter for me over there! even though i sometimes try to forget my past and just look the present and the forthcoming future, i cannot... i should not. everything happens for a reason. we should be learning from our past and not trying to dig it into our subconscious and let it there rotten along with the rest of our soul. we cannot escape our own selves, can we! but i do believe that we can keep evolving and becoming better, something which can be achieved by living and learning by the consequences of our acts... i really enjoyed the photos. i have some as well but still have not found the time to process them. there are a couple of thousands which need to be edited and processed, a procedure that i never liked! i suppose by now the isolation has started making its presence again on the island! how much i want to see the island during winter time... all my best regards to the family take care, mihalisgeia soy file sergei i am very sorry for the late reply. i have been in my birthplace for some days to "digest" the last journey and have some rest. you would like it there... it is a very small village with some hundreds of people still living there and one very old church which has seen so many generations passing by. for the moment the only thing i worry about is to find some magazines to sell some photos. this way i will start entering the field of professional photography and be able to fund myself for another journey this winter. otherwise i will have to go to some developed country again and do both travelling and working. i could be returning back there during this winter but nothing is sure yet. i met a guy in Irkutsk who has some connections in Mirny and could get me in the city and the mine over there it mis good to know that there is a shelter for me over there! even though i sometimes try to forget my past and just look the present and the forthcoming future, i cannot... i should not. everything happens for a reason. we should be learning from our past and not trying to dig it into our subconscious and let it there rotten along with the rest of our soul. we cannot escape our own selves, can we! but i do believe that we can keep evolving and becoming better, something which can be achieved by living and learning by the consequences of our acts... i really enjoyed the photos. i have some as well but still have not found the time to process them. there are a couple of thousands which need to be edited and processed, a procedure that i never liked! i suppose by now the isolation has started making its presence again on the island! how much i want to see the island during winter time... all my best regards to the family take care, mihalis |
Администратор |
21 Сен 2011, 05:14 Can you host 2 people on Sept 25th-Sept 27th? (dates flexible so far) Hi Sergey- My girlfriend (Valeria, who is Russian and speaks Russian, English and Spanish) and I (Emi from Argentina fluent in Spanish and English) are traveling through Russia, and would really love to have a local person give us some pointers about the best places to visit and things to do in the few days that we are going to stay in and around Krasnoyarsk. Well, we also need a place to stay, of course..:). Valeria and I are in the middle of a trip around the world (www.expedicionvaleriano.blogspot.com). We have started in my homeland Argentina and crossed it from the most southern city of Ushuaia to the border of Bolivia in the north. Then, we went all over the place in Bolivia, and then crossed Brazil taking boats on the Amazon River. Then we went to USA, visiting some friends and family (Valeria used to live here), after that we came to Russia and spent some time in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhniy Novgorod (where Valeria is from).. Right now we are in Severobaikalsk and on the 25th (I think) we are taking off to your amazing island. Could you please let me know if we could stay with you the night of Sept 25th, 26th and may be the 27th? In reality, we don’t have train tickets yet, but these are the days that we are planning for the visit. The dates might change a little, depending on the tickets available. Please let me know if you have any questions and I’d be more than happy to respond. We have only have one reference on couch surfing (from St. Petersburg), because we are just beginners on CS. We are very clean and respectful of other people’s space and time, so you will not have any problems with us. Thank you and I hope to meet you soon! Emi and Lera |
Администратор |
03 Май 2012, 17:08 Maya Kim Hi, I'm a south Korean Girl, Not north Korea. Have you heard of 'Korean Wave'? It means the spread of other aspects of Korean culture, including food, clothing, video games, and the language. especially I really love Korea traditional clothes, 'Hanbok'.it's our characteristic which we have worn since a very long time. so I want to let you know How beatiful it is! I'm going to Eurasia traverse getting dresed Hanbok and singing Korea Traditional folk songs of Korea 'Arirang' . If you want to, I'll teach you. whether you are interstested in korea or not, I can be goooooooooooooood friend.I really want to be your country people in spite of short period. My freinds always said "Maya, You are brilliant girl" Are you intersted in another country culture? Plz be my Couch surfer! Why I'd Like to Meet You Hi, I'll traveling alone. I need person who to talk with. I've really wanted to go Olkhon Island. and I think that you are very kind person. shall we be friend? so, could you lend me your couch? plz. |
Администратор |
15 Ноя 2012, 18:57 Sergei Yeremeyev is a former Muscovite who has lived on Olkhon Island in Siberia’s Lake Baikal for the last seven years. In the 1990s he worked for a major global company, carried a gas-pistol in his jacket pocket, and used to play at the casinos. Nowadays he is a simple verger at a church and dwells with his family in a cramped log cabin near the church. Sergei rises at seven each morning. He goes to open the church and waits to see how many will come to pray. This is the only church on the island. If it were not for Sergei, then the church would either remain devoid of worshippers or closed most of the time. He built the fence around the church himself, found a church-bell, and helped build a bell-tower. To look at him, one would say he was around 35. He has several diplomas, including one from the Sorbonne. He is fluent in English and French, and understands Greek. Long ago Sergei worked as a headhunter – he worked in personnel recruitment. “And then I got sick of it all,” he says, sipping local farm milk from a mug and sitting in a room of his house, whose walls are scattered with icons. “I went to study in Paris, and then I went travelling big-time. But the main thing that interested me was Russian monasteries. Perhaps it’s only when you find yourself abroad that you begin to take a serious interest in the history and culture of your own country?” During his university vacation, Sergei packed his rucksack and set off on the road. “Where y’going?’ drivers would ask him. And he answered honestly: “To Holy Mount Athos.” He began his journey with 500 francs in his pocket, but ended with a thousand. The drivers who offered him lifts not only gave him medicines, but money too. “Well, how can I explain what I did there at Mount Athos?” Sergei says, smiling. “Mount Athos is the kind of place about which one should keep silent.” "I got sick of it all," said Sergei about Moscow, Paris, education and languages. Source: Cornelius Langenbruch. Eight hours of prayers, eight hours of work, and eight hours of rest – it was the daily regimen at the Holy Mountain. By degrees, Sergei’s interests changed. He stopped blowing his money, stopped going to casinos, and stopped associating with many of his friends. “It felt like I began even to breathe differently then.” One of the monks at Mount Athos suggested that he should stay there – forever. Yet Sergei declined, saying that he was not ready for that, and returned to Moscow. However, it turned out that he could no longer live in Moscow either. He needed to escape. Related: Agritourism develops in Russia's unique rural places Siberian lake that inspired James Cameron Trails will provide the gateway to explore the area's natural riches “I hated all of Moscow’s hustling and fighting for a place in the sun. They get in the way of everything else.” Nastya, Sergei’s wife, stands by the church doors, talking to a tourist from the Netherlands. “Really, you’re truly happy here? Well sure, maybe you could stay half a year here, a year tops – but staying here forever?” the tourist muses aloud. Nastya smiles – neither her parents nor friends can fathom her decision, let alone passing tourists. Nastya had also studied in Paris and had always dreampt of making a career in the West. When Sergei suggested the idea of moving to Olkhon Island, it took her ages to find it on a map. When she found it, she rejected the idea flat out. Actually, back then, Baikal’s only inhabited island did not even have electricity. But Sergei insisted. He was determined to leave Moscow, and he did not care where. He had already been to Olkhon, and he had liked it. As he says, “It has something in common with Mount Athos.” “Okay, so who moves to Siberia voluntarily?” Nastya asks rhetorically, remembering her original reaction to the idea of relocating to Lake Baikal. “I’d always thought that people flee from Siberia.” Even so, she packed a suitcase and followed her husband to the tiny village of Khuzhir – thus earning the nickname “Mrs. Decembrist” from her parents (The ‘Decembrists’ were Czarist-era political prisoners, sent to Siberia for attempting a coup in December 1825. Many were former officers and noblemen. Society expected their wives to divorce them, but, in fact, several followed their husbands into Siberian exile). Nastya got used to her new surroundings quickly – she learned how to milk a goat, grow cucumbers and tomatoes, had two children, and began to sing in the church choir. “Do you know how I derive real pleasure? From walking barefoot through the grass, from the fact I can go on foot everywhere, from breathing the sea air every day. And also that I don’t have to save my money for years and years to get an apartment in Moscow,” says Nastya. |
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